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Make Dating Fun! 3 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Dating

· Relationship Advice

Pre-date jitters. We’ve all been there. You’re nervous, your hands are clammy, maybe you’re a little sweaty and shaky. We’re here to tell you that it’s going to be fine. Everyone goes through it and we promise you’ll survive.

couple stressed

Romantic comedy movies have taken a lot of thrill out of dating. People tend to base their dates on an idea of something they saw in a movie. Man meets woman. Man locks eyes with a woman. He takes her out on a romantic (expensive) date and they fall madly in love and live happily ever after.

Okay, maybe I skipped a few parts, but you get what I mean, right? Dating isn’t really like that. Especially if you’re meeting through a video dating app like Zepeel. Technology surely helps take some of the first date jitters out of your first meeting - after all, you’ve already chatted through the app, so you know who you’re looking for when it comes to your first date!

Still a little nervous about meeting your Zepeel match for your first date? Here are 5 ways to take the stress out of dating.

Don’t make it all about looks

This is probably a tough one for some people to deal with. But it’s important to not base your date solely on looks. You’ve been chatting through Zepeel for a while now, and you have a good connection. You’ve likely already impressed your date with your personality, so it’s important to not overdo it in order to seem more desirable in a person.

Ladies, this is not the best time to start a new makeup look or wear a brand new pair of uncomfortable heels. Obviously, it’s good to dress up and look nice for your date, but if you go overboard then you’re taking away from the person who you really are. Be yourself!

Girl doing makeup

Guys, we know you’re going to be just as nervous as the ladies are, but a first date is not the time to go to the cologne counter at the mall and sample everything in sight. Good hygiene is important, of course, but overdoing your cologne could be an instant turn off for some women.

Have a backup plan

Okay, so maybe your date isn’t all you thought they’d be. There’s a chance, if you’ve been chatting through a video dating app that they were making their lives seem a bit more glamorous than they were. So, it’s important to have a backup plan (for a good or bad date!).

If the date isn’t going as planned - have an escape plan in your mind. Get an appetizer instead of a full dinner, meet up with friends, or just meet up for coffee or a drink. You’ll probably know within the first few minutes of meeting someone if the date is going to go well or not (you know that cute, fuzzy feeling you get when there’s chemistry). Keep the date light and quick - meet, have a quick chat, and part ways. And if you’re not interested, don’t lead them on. This is how feelings get hurt! And no one likes that.

group talking

If the date is going well and you’d like to make it last a little bit longer, think of a place you could go after your initial meeting. Do a fun activity together like bowling or take a walk or drive to your favorite place in town. Even adventuring through a bookstore is a great conversation starter (and a great way to see what kind of interests your date has).

Have fun

Last, but not least, have fun! One of the things that makes Zepeel one of the best dating apps for relationships is the fact that you talk and video chat with your potential dates before the meeting! This takes a huge amount of stress and pressure away from the situation. At the end of the day, you’re both into each other, so go out, have coffee, take a walk, and relax. You’re going to do great.

Have you tried Zepeel? It’s a video dating app that allows you to video chat with your matches! If you’re single and looking for a new, fun video dating app (and one of the best apps for relationships), download Zepeel today from the App Store or Google Play.